Story from Jam Press (Giant Baby) Pictured: Graziely. 'My daughter's head wouldn't stop growing – people call her names but I think she's beautiful' A mum whose daughter's head kept growing to an abnormal size due to a rare condition has revealed the cruel names people call her – but thinks she's still beautiful. When Adalgisa Soares Alves fell pregnant with her first child, Graziely, she immediately knew something wasn't quite right as she struggled with intense belly pain. Soon, medics informed the mum that her baby had hydrocephalus, a build-up of fluid on the brain causing pressure and subsequent damage to the skull, with them estimating she would only live for three months. Now, the mum-of-three, aged 48, is sharing her daughter's daily battle with the condition, which saw her being dubbed a "giant baby" at birth. “I don't think it's cruel because 'baby' is an affectionate word, but when they call out her 'big head' I feel sad," the mum told “Because then that is just being cruel. “But the important thing is that me, and all our family and friends, love Graziely the way she is." At eight months pregnant, the Brazilian native recalls struggling to get out of bed, where an ultrasound was performed and a few hours later, her daughter's diagnosis was confirmed. Due to the 29-year-old's condition, her head was born larger than average for a newborn and continued to grow long after birth, as well as multiple surgeries. Adalgisa claims that nothing could have been done before or immediately after she was born and now, she's unable to walk, speak and sadly, has recently lost her eyesight. She said: “Every day I take care of her, bathe her and feed her with all my love. “I'm dedicated to Graziely and it makes me happy to see her well cared for, from me and all of our family. “Nephews, cousins, aunties and many more family members love to come and see her and care for her. “I don't work, I just take care of her — Iâ

Na této planetě žijí miliardy lidí a každý z nás je naprosto jedinečný. Vypadáme jinak, máme jiné osobnosti a především naše rodiny jsou velmi jedinečné. Její matka Adaljisa však od chvíle, kdy otěhotněla se svou dcerou Graziellou, věděla, že je něco opravdu špatně.

Její silné bolesti břicha se zhoršovaly a teprve po porodu bylo jasné, že její dcera trpí neobvyklou nemocí, která nyní vyvolává paniku po celém světě. Každý den, každou minutu, každou sekundu se někde na světě narodí nové dítě. Maličký jedinec, který bude vyrůstat v láskyplném domově se svými blízkými a poprvé se bude koupat ve slunečním světle.

Ale ještě než se Graziella narodila, její maminka věděla, že je výjimečná. Když byla matka Adaljisa v osmém měsíci těhotenství, měla stále silnější bolesti břicha. Brzy se ukázalo, že to má velmi zvláštní důvod.

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